About me — nice to meet you

Nice to meet you!
My name is Michèle and I’m a photographer, book worm, Star Wars enthusiast and world traveler based in the Netherlands.

Photography gives me the opportunity to dive into worlds you normally wouldn’t find yourself in. I love to immerse myself into these different realms, to learn a lesson here and there from the people I meet along the way and to observe and capture what I encounter.

I try to look at life as if it’s described in one of my favorite books by Haruki Murakami. Or as seen through the lens of my camera, searching for something that strikes me. I like to spend my time traveling, petting dogs (or just any kind of animal really), sipping tea/drinking coffee accompanied by something good to read, listening to podcasts or together with my loved ones. Chances of ever running into me without a camera are rather small.

Mom & dad

About Studio Memoire

Studio Memoire stems from my fascination for love and relationships. Not just the romantic kind, friendships and family bonds are just as dear to me both personally and professionally. But yes, you could definitely say I’m a hopeful romantic for a living. I love seeing, feeling and documenting love in all its magical forms.

What I do and what I love stems from my parents (pictured above, hi mom & dad). Growing up, they documented all our adventures. And there were MANY. Our travels by camper van, life in and around our restaurant, the family business. My dad took care of the photography, my mom of the captions. In beautiful photographs and equally beautiful handwriting, bound in many albums. For this I am so thankful. It inspires me to document my life and loved ones, to print and give them these memories.

And to do just this for couples all around the world during their wedding day(s). A fantastic experience to be a part of, to get into, to immerse myself in, to give my all to. That’s why I only take on a limited number of weddings each year.

To me, getting married during this day and age is more meaningful than it has ever been. A conscious choice, not necessarily inclined by tradition or expectation. You are getting married because you want to. The way you want to. Joined by the people you love most. And that deserves beautiful documentation – proof of life and love.